Avalon Fire Department's Sea Rescue
Posted July 31st 2023

On July 18, Avalon first responders were dispatched to Townsend’s Inlet after the Cape May County Office of Emergency Management received a report of a 30-foot single-masted sailboat that was stranded in the inlet and pitching violently due to the rough surf, with two people onboard. This was in the midst of a massive thunderstorm, with strong winds and frequent lightning. Avalon Fire Chief Ed Dean assumed command of the incident from First Avenue and the inlet. The U.S. Coast Guard Cape May and Sea Tow were on the scene but due to the shallow tide could not access the inlet quickly enough and requested WaveRunners. The Avalon Fire Boat responded with three rescuers and launched both WaveRunners. Incident command was established on land with “eyes on” the rescue area and Fire Boat 11 joined with the on-scene Coast Guard to coordinate the rescue. WaveRunners are nimble and maneuverable in rough surf conditions, as well as drafting very little water, making them the perfect vehicle to affect a rescue on the sand bar at such a low tide. The WaveRunner crews assisted the owner of the vessel in anchoring the sailboat and removed both individuals who were onboard. Said Dean: “It was satisfying to see the training, planning, and accumulated experience come together in a cohesive rescue operation involving the fire department and the United States Coast Guard.” No injuries were reported. The Sea Tow removed the vessel shortly after.