It's Mayor McCorristin Now
Posted July 31st 2023

It’s official. In the wake of Martin Pagliughi’s decision to leave his office after 32 years, Avalon has a new mayor. On July 3, Pagliughi swore in longtime Councilman John McCorristin as mayor. The outgoing mayor’s wife, Lynda, presented the new mayor’s wife, Lisa, with congratulatory roses. McCorristin immediately began his duties as he swore in incumbent council members Barbara Juzaitis and Sam Wierman to new four-year terms. Both were joined by their families at the ceremony. All three ran unopposed in the May election. The Borough Council reorganization resulted in a new president, Jamie McDermott, and vice president, Mari Coskey. At the ceremony, Pagliughi was honored by American Legion Post 331 for his contribution to the community over the past three decades. On July 12, Chet Johnson was appointed councilman, filling the seat vacated by McCorristin. Johnson is expected to run for a full four-year term in the November election.