Stone Harbor Museum Raises Stakes in Scavenger Hunt
Posted August 28th 2023

The Stone Harbor Museum opened in 1999 as a way to visit the past, and create new memories. Originally located on 93rd Street, it now is located at 9410 Second Ave., featuring a new look, and new twist to their beloved exhibits and events, such as its annual Children’s Scavenger Hunt. “I had a scavenger hunt for years, but last year we took it up a notch,” said Teri Fisher, vice president of the board of trustees. Since last year, each participating week a business in Stone Harbor sponsored the scavenger hunt prize. The children who completed the hunt would receive a voucher for the sponsor of the week’s business, and that child could go there to claim their prize. This was implemented as a way to keep kids excited about history, while involving the community. Every business that was asked to participate agreed do so. “You have to make history fun,” Fisher said, “or kids aren’t going to want to learn about it.” Children ages 2-13 may participate in the scavenger hunt. The Stone Harbor Museum is open Mondays through Saturdays from 10am to 1pm. Admission is free and donations are accepted. |